If you wish to use a script-driven app for your site, the most effective way to install one is to employ a script installer in case your web hosting supplier provides such a tool. Setting up a script manually requires time, you must follow numerous steps and often you may need to modify numerous script or account settings so as to get everything working correctly. In comparison, if you use a script installation tool, its scripts are already configured to function on the selected web hosting environment and the entire installation operation will take a few minutes and a few clicks. In this way, you'll be able to create a dynamic Internet site even if you have zero experience and you are creating your first site. A dynamic Internet site, that includes a great number of features, is more attractive to your website visitors and will give you far more options regarding the content and the functions you can have.

1-click Applications Installer in Cloud Hosting

The 1-click script installer which we offer is available with every single Linux cloud hosting package totally free. You can choose from 50+ applications that will enable you to create any kind of web site - an Internet store, a forum, a personal portfolio or an image gallery. All you have to do is to select a script and a domain, input the login details for the administration area that you want to have and that's it! Within a couple of minutes our system will install that script and you will be able to log in to the back office to begin building the Internet site. There's no limit on the number of scripts you are able to install or how many copies of a specific script you can use at a time and you can access the installer using your hosting Control Panel. With our tool, you can forget about paying for web design services as you can create a professional and dynamic site easily.

1-click Applications Installer in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you acquire a semi-dedicated server account from us, you're going to be able to use our 1-click script installer, that will be available in your hosting CP. With only a couple of mouse clicks you'll be able to create any sort of internet site - an online shop, a forum, an online social network or a personal blog. We have more than 50 script apps such as Joomla, Moodle and WordPress, and some of them come with a plethora of templates which you can use. The installer is really convenient - choose a script and a domain, select the administrator login details you want to have for the script back office and then click the Install button. Several minutes later it will be possible to log in to the back office and begin building your website. All scripts and the web themes for them are provided absolutely free.